2023 Broader Impact Highlights
Graphene and Beyond 2022

The 2DCC completed its 6th year of sponsorship of the Graphene and Beyond Workshop in 2022.  Including the virtual activity in 2021 due to the pandemic, the six workshops have included >1000 individuals from academia, government and industry across all career levels have attended.  The 2DCC has broadened participation by sponsoring travel and registration for dozens of users and potential users particularly from MSIs and PUIs. The workshop enhances community synergy toward a strong future in 2D crystal science and technology. The workshop consists of tutorials and research talks focused on 2D material synthesis, properties, theory and electronics as well as recent results from the 2DCC and facilitated discussion on commercialization opportunities for 2D materials.

Approximately 120 registrants came from across the U.S. including R1 and Non-R1 academic institutions, national labs, industry and international organizations. This included a diverse group comprised of 24% women and 8% members of underrepresented groups in STEM. A total of 28 posters were presented primarily by graduate students from 11 different organizations. The 2DCC Director, Joan Redwing, provided a brief overview of the platform and discussed how to collaborate with 2DCC.  The 2DCC had a special session showcasing results of external users including four talks, one of which was a Keynote presentation.