TSDC is a high-resolution technique to investigate the electrical properties of high-resistivity materials by studying the thermal relaxations and the transport processes.


  1. Apply a DC electric field Ep at a temperature Tp for a time tp.
  2. With the electric field still applied, the temperature is quickly dropped to below Tp.
  3. Once the temperature is stabilized, the electric field is turned off and the temperature is increased at a selected rate b while the depolarization current is recorded.

Processes captured by TSCD strongly depend on:

  • Tested sample properties: textural, morphological, and chemical.
  • Experimental conditions: Ep, Tp, tp and b

Examples of processes studied by TSDC technique:

  • Ageing (Polymers and ceramics)
  • Charge carriers trapping, density and mobility
  • Bulk thermal relaxations
  • Interfacial relaxations
  • Defects

TSDC spectra of glass-BaTiO3

In-house built system: pA meter, amplifier and oven/furnace combinations allow a wide range of voltage and temperature.


  • Voltage range: +- 5kV
  • Temperature range: -150 to 700 °C


  • Current range: 1 pA – 1mA

LatinAm. Metal. Mat. 2016; 36 (1) J. Electron. Mater. 2016; 45 (8) Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current Analysis of Polymers, Carr, S. H., (1982)