particle sizing

Particle size significantly affects material properties such as chemical reactivity, bioavailability, dissolution and crystallization rates, stability in suspension, texture of the material, flow ability and handling, packing density and porosity, to name a few. Knowledge of particle size leads to better understanding of products and processes and helps to optimize efficiency of process to reduce costs.

Malvern Instruments
Instruments Currently Available at MCL

Malvern Instruments

  • Zetasizer Nano ZS
  • Mastersizer 3000

Both of these instruments have the ability to measure and report particle size distribution of a sample.

Particle Sizing
Size Distributions

Particle size distribution can be represented in different ways with respect to the weighting of individual particles. The weighting mechanism will depend upon the measuring principle/technique being used. The most commonly used are number-weighted, volume-weighted and intensity weighted distributions.

Particle Sizing Technical Poster
Particle Sizing Technical Poster

Overview of linking particle imaging and laser diffraction.  Details include:

  • Types of instruments and their measurement and purpose
  • Additive manufacturing using three different stainless steel powders
  • Biochar in automotive applications
Instrument Zetasizer Nano ZS Mastersizer 3000
Technique Dynamic light scattering Laser diffraction
Size distribution by Intensity Volume
Size range (diameter) 0.3 nm – 10 μm 10 nm – 3500 μm
Type of measurement
  • Bulk technique
  • Weighted towards larger particles
  • Rapid & reproducible
  • Bulk technique
  • Weighted towards larger particles
  • Rapid & reproducible
  • Light source: He-Ne 633nm laser
  • Temperature controlled range: 0°C - 90°C +/-0.1
  • 12mm OD square polystyrene cuvette for aqueous solvents and glass cuvette for non-aqueous solvents
  • Blue (LED, 470nm) and Red (He-Ne laser, 632.8nm)
  • Detectors range: 0.015 - 144 degrees
  • Sample dispersion accessories: Hydro MV (~120 mL wet cell), Hydro LV (~600 mL wet cell, AeroS (dry dispersion)
Sample requirements
  • Well dispersed suspension
  • Min sample volume: 12 µL (1 ml for standard sample holders)
  • Sample concentrations from 0.1ppm to 40%w/v, sample dependent
  • Suspension or dry powder
  • Min sample volume depends on material type, suspension concentration and size range
  • Up to 100 mg of powder for dry dispersion; few mg for wet dispersion (sample dependent)
Application/Materials Proteins, biological cells, polymers, micelles, vesicles, carbohydrates, nanoparticles, and gels Ceramics, metals, biomaterials, soils and sediments, carbon materials, food products
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Data obtained by the Morphologi automated imaging system.