(Also known as polarization and strain measurement)
This system measures the electrical and mechanical displacement of dielectric materials induced by an applied AC field. The following properties can be extracted:
- D-E hysteresis loop parameters, polarization density, energy storage and loss.
- Electromechanical coupling: piezoelectricity, electrostriction, etc.
Electrical and Mechanical Displacement Measurement System.
- Apply AC field to sample
- Measure sample charge
- Measure mechanical displacement using a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Figure references:
[1] S. Ahmed et al., Smart Mater. Struct. Vol 23, 2014
[2] An American national standard IEEE standard definitions of terms associated with ferroelectric and related materials, IEEE Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol 50, 2003
[3] W. Zhu et al., IWATMD, 2019
- Temperature: -100 °C - 150 °C
- Voltage: ±10V (without amplifier)
- ± 10kV (with amplifier)
D-E hysteresis loop:
Frequency: 0.001 - 100Hz
Charge: ~10pC to 100mC
S-E hysteresis loop:
Frequency: 0.01 -1Hz
Displacements: > 0.1 µm