Leica Sputtering

MCL maintains multiple sputter coaters to enable the preparation of specimens for available electrical characterization and microscopy techniques. 

System Quorum Q150R Sputter Coater Leica Sputter Coater Emitech Sputter Coater
Practical Sample Size ≤ 50 mm Dia. x 12 mm H ≤ 30 mm Dia. x < 50 mm H ≤ 50 mm Dia. x < 5 mm H
Sputter Metals Gold
Common Use Bulk pellets and thin film for electrical characterization imaging in SEM Sputter coat thin layer of conductive material for SEM, TEM, and EPMA imaging Sputter coat thin layer of conductive material for SEM and TEM imaging
Deposition Thickness Range 5 to 100s nm 1nm to 40 nm 1 nm to 20 nm
Vacuum Type Rough pump Turbo pump Turbo pump
Technical Expert Jeff Long Julie Anderson and Wes Auker Julie Anderson and Wes Auker