2022 US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics
Charleston, South Carolina
November 13 - 16, 2022
Short Abstract Submission
Deadline: Short abstract submission is now closed.
- Abstract submission is via INVITATION ONLY.
- You can submit your abstract below if you have already received an official abstract submission email invitation.
To request an invitation -
Provide your title, academic affiliation or organizational affiliation, and indicate how the nature of your work or research relates to the technical content of the workshop. Your request will be forwarded to the Conference Committee for review, and you will receive notice from the Conference Coordinator on the decision in a timely manner.
Please read this important information before submitting your abstract at the bottom of the page.
- Use the REQUIRED abstract template.
IMPORTANT: Detailed formatting and preparation instructions are written within the body of the template - please read it carefully. - The Presenting Author section at the bottom of the template must only include information about the actual presenter. (first and last name must be spelled out; do not use an initial for the first name).
- Only .doc or .docx file formats will be accepted. Files in any other format will be rejected. 4 MB is the maximum file size.
- We do not accept abstracts from attendees via email or postal mail. ALL abstracts must be submitted through this system online.