2022 US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics
Charleston, South Carolina
November 13 - 16, 2022
Long Abstract Submission
Deadline: Occurred in the past.
- Only attendees who have submitted and had their short abstract accepted for this conference are permitted to submit a long abstract. Long abstract submission is a requirement of attendance.
- Invited Speakers are permitted up to 8 pages for their abstract.
- Contributed Speakers are peritted up to 4 pages for their abstract.
- Title of the long abstract must be the same as the title of the accepted short abstract.
- Only .doc or .docx file formats will be accepted. PDF files are not accepted. Files in any other format will be rejected. 4 MB is the maximum file size.
- We do not accept abstracts via email. All abstracts must be submitted through this online system. If you are unable to submit your long abstract, contact the Conference Coordinator.
- Use the REQUIRED long abstract template.
IMPORTANT: Detailed formatting and preparation instructions are written within the body of the template - please read it carefully.