Sarah Kiemle

Sarah Kiemle

Assistant Research Professor, Surface Analysis

(o) 814-863-8173
N-021 Millennium Science Complex

James Adair

James Adair

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology

(e), (e)
(o) 814-863-6047
407 Steidle Building

The Making of Macroscope

Meet the artists Jonathan Rockford and Michael Hadley of { Encoded Objects } as they reveal their creation “Macroscope” and uncover their inspiration … Penn State’s Materials Research Institute.

Saptarshi Das

Saptarshi Das

Associate Professor of Engineering, Science & Mechanics

(o) 814-863-2639
N-333 Millennium Science Complex
Kelsey Maxin

Kelsey Maxin

2DCC Director of User Engagement and Training

(o) 814-865-4567
N-338 Millennium Science Complex

Castleman: Will Castleman Jr.

Will Castleman

Castleman realizes an 'alchemist's dream'

A. Welford (Will) Castleman Jr. joined the Penn State chemistry department in 1982. Castleman is perhaps best known for discovering conditions where a “columbic explosion” induced clusters of atoms that mimicking some of the properties of other elements.