AI Sensor for Taste Image

By Jamie Oberdick

'Electronic tongue' holds promise as possible first step to artificial emotional intelligence

Can artificial intelligence (AI) get hungry? Develop a taste for certain foods? Not yet, but a team of Penn…

ab initio molecule

By Jamie Oberdick

Systems in the Universe trend toward disorder, with only applied energy keeping the chaos at bay. The concept is called entropy, and examples can be found everywhere: ice melting, campfire burning, water boiling.…

N-type semiconductors

By Ashley WennersHerron

There’s a barrier preventing the advent of truly elastic electronic systems, the kind needed for advanced human-machine interfaces, artificial skins, smart health care and more, but a Penn State-led research…

Sapphire substrates

By Jamie Oberdick

Researchers from the National Science Foundation-sponsored Two-Dimensional Crystal Consortium (2DCC-MIP) - Materials Innovation Platform may have come up with a solution for a bottleneck that has confounded…

Penn State's role

By Jamie Oberdick

Semiconductors are a big reason as to why you are reading this. This is not a reference to your interest in semiconductors as a subject, but the actual production of this website. Even if you are reading the print…