Benefits of an NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC)

IUCRCs provide acceleration through Partnership
  • Not just one researcher or one group
  • Multiple faculty across multiple departments and universities
  • Strong reputation in the membrane separations field for decades
  • Very cost effective (access to 10x in funded research for a membership)

IUCRCs focus on solutions for sponsor defined issues.

The IP guidelines are given by the NSF
  • IUCRC conducts pre-competitive research
  • The research should be about defining a problem, not solving it
IUCRCs provide excellent networking opportunities
  • Suppliers, competitors, customers
  • Personal relationship building: learn about each other’s needs
IUCRCs provide excellent recruiting opportunities
  • Interact with students twice a year and follow their technical, communication and interpersonal skill development

Benefits of ATOMIC Membership

Pre-competitive Fundamental Research

As a member of ATOMIC’s Industry Advisory Board, you will help to set the direction of the center through selection and mentorship of projects. You will attend biannual advisory board meetings that review center activities and hear project updates, as well as plan and vote on projects for the coming cycle. 

  • Access to broad foundational research topics in 2D materials
  • Recruitment opportunities with outstanding graduate students
  • Investment leveraging in high value research projects too risky to investigate with internal R&D funds
  • Sector networking and collaboration opportunities with industry peers and customers
  • Pre-publication access on cutting-edge research topics 
  • Access to center-developed intellectual property
  • Access to world-class research facilities


Based on NSF guidelines, all memberships are two-year terms.

  • Full Membership/Year: $45,000
  • Associate Membership/Year: $27,500