Researchers from Penn State: 
(PI) Reginald Hamilton, Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
(co-PI) Catherine Cohan, Assistant Research Professor, Equity and Inclusion Grants and Programs Evaluation
Stephanie Preston, Associate Dean for Graduate Educational Equity 

Researchers from Southern University and A&M College
(co-PI) Patrick F. Mensah, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs 

Project Summary

The Scholarly Pathways in Science and Engineering Graduate Education (SPSEGE) planning grant project aims to deepen relationships between Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Penn State is partnering with MSI institution Southern University and A&M College. The aim is to increase Black and Latinx students in master and doctoral degree programs in science and engineering at Penn State. The team plans to optimize and innovate Penn State recruitment, onboarding, and retention practices for Black and Latinx students for strengthening diverse, equitable, and inclusive graduate programs. Enrollment is stagnant despite engaging research experiences and bridge program activities for Black and Latinx undergraduates. 


The planning grant proposal will strategize around three thematic goals: 

  • Strengthening student support (e.g., onboarding and community building) 

  • Encouraging/incentivizing Penn State-MSI collaborations for faculty research and other collaborations across campuses 

  • Optimizing and innovating strategies for recruitment, retention, and gateway programs (e.g., bridge and other academic and research experiences for undergraduates).  

Penn State and Southern University and A&M College will develop a collaborative vision and mutually beneficial full proposal and seed-proposal pilot initiatives.