Mission Statement

MPEC aims to exploit recent innovations and developments in microwave technology for quality and performance optimization of ceramics, powder metals, hard metals, intermetallics, composites, and other products leading to their commercialization.


  • Conducting state of the art research in the science of the interaction of microwaves with matter
  • Process and developmental studies on candidate materials for producing better performing ceramics, hard metal cermets, P/M parts, transparent ceramics, etc.
  • Conduct research in the microwave synthesis of specialty ceramic powders, their processing and sintering
  • Establish co-operative and collaborative research programs with industries and other research institutes on specific materials/processes using microwaves
  • Provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology in microwave processing to industry and others
  • Render assistance in technology transfer and commercialization of microwave processing and products development to sponsors
  • Collaborate with university, government and industrial laboratories in utilizing the radically new discovery of the reaction of matter with separate 2.45GHz magnetic and electric fields
  • Provide training to visiting scientists and research scholars
  • Organizing workshops, seminars and symposia on microwave research in materials processing